Sunday 23 October 2011

Change is challenging. Change brings us to a place of choosing. Stay or go. Hold on or let go. We can choose to stay in shallow places where there seems to be safety.  Or we can choose by faith to step out into the deep waters of life - where there is abundance. As we step out trusting God He releases  his purpose and power in us enabeling us to move in his plan for our lives. We will make mistakes but " he will never leave us nor forsake us.''

Saturday 22 October 2011

Change, acrylic on canvas, 16x20

Welcome to my new blog. This is my first blog and I am delighted to have you join me in this adventure. Come along with me and discover the wonder and beauty of God's creation and his relationship with us. This painting expresses the changes in life - stepping into a new life. Leaving behind dead things, empty things and broken things. The dead feeding new life, the empty waiting to be filled, and the broken held up to the light become things of beauty.